Maple Bear abre escuelas en cinco continentes

Sabemos que la demanda por educación de alta calidad está creciendo en el mundo, ya que más padres tienen acceso a posibilidades económicas que les permiten dar una ventaja educativa a sus hijos. Que mejor evidencia que el crecimiento de Maple Bear Global Schools. Educadores y emprendedores alrededor del mundo escogen responder a la demanda […]

La rutina puede brindar calma en un momento caótico

No hay duda de que estamos viviendo una época desafiante y sin precedentes. De repente, la crianza de los hijos se ha convertido en un trabajo de 24 horas al día y 7 días a la semana. Para aquellos padres que intentan trabajar desde casa, existe la complicación adicional de mantener a los niños ocupados, […]

Early literacy development is not just about learning to read

Many people mistakenly believe that literacy development in pre-school children is only about teaching them to read through formal instruction. In reality, early literacy development is a continuous process that begins in the first years of a child’s life. It is a complex task because oral language, reading, and writing skills are intimately linked and […]

Bilingual Immersion FAQ’s

Many parents who send their children to a Maple Bear School intuitively understand the immersion approach that we utilize, but they still have many questions and concerns. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions I receive on this subject. My answers are based on our own experience and the research Maple Bear Global […]

What is bilingual education?

Not surprisingly, this is a question I am often asked. Bilingual education is the use of two different languages in the classroom instruction of academic content. That means, in our Maple Bear program model, students study subjects like Portuguese or Chinese in either their native language or English, depending on the subject and grade level. […]